Digestive consultation

We will analyze all the data you can provide us (personal, professional history, food, lifestyle, analytics...) to try to get to the first root of the problem and thus propose a solution.

1º visit - 85€

Next - 45€

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Digestive Resilience Program

Personalized 6-week program to recover all the functionality of the digestive system. Includes:

  • A 1st visit where we will review the weak points of your case and give you the guidelines to follow (personalized plan + prescriptions + recommended supplementation) 90 min
  • 5 follow-up visits (1 per week) where we will review symptoms, resolve doubts and make the necessary dietary changes that take 30-50 min

Price 250€

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Hidroteràpia de Còlon

Filtered water irrigation at low pressure of the large intestine, thus cleaning its walls and favoring the regeneration of its microbiota and the detoxification of the organism.

1º visit - 120€

Next - 105€

3 sesions - 280€

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Retirs Detox

90 minuts

  • RETREAT ANY WEEK: Includes digestive consultation, personalized nutrition and supplementation treatment, 1 Colon Hydrotherapy and 1 Detox Massage

Price: 195€

  • 1 WEEK RETREAT: Includes digestive consultation, personalized nutrition and supplementation treatment, 1 Colon Hydrotherapy and 5 facial-body treatments

Price: 375€

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1º - We give you a kit for you to take the sample at home

2º - We send you a messenger to pick it up when you tell us

3º - You will receive the results and we will interpret them for you

· Test SIBO: 75€

· Intestinal Dysbiosis: 300€

· Vaginal dysbiosis: 305€

· Dysbiosis Buoal: 140€

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